Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dental Hygiene Cover Letter Sample Going Back To School For Dental Hygiene?

Going back to school for dental hygiene? - dental hygiene cover letter sample

I moved to Baltimore with my friend and have our own apartment cuz I got a job in the steelworks. I moved here from PA. I lived for 3 years with my parents, cuz since my birth, my family and I lived in Baltimore. He only pulled out of the city and have a bigger house. Anyway, I have some questions .. cuz i want to go to Community College of Baltimore County

1) I pay tuition for state? I've lived here for 2 months. Lifetime in Palestine, but for 3 years, 1-18 years, in Baltimore. Some schools require that you live in that state for a certain period prior to the test in the tuition of the state. As I said, I'm here, because only 2 months, but had, with the exception of 3 years of life in Palestine, I have lived here all my life

Fill 2) I have my FAFSA. I have no money for college, and I had student loans before, because went to the Palestinian Authority, I am in school for dental assistants, and I closed it. Well, my parents did not co-sign for another loan for me, but the school said something on a Stafford loan that I can get without a parent co-signature. If the Stafford loan to the outstanding amount of the tuition not covered FAFSA?

3) What exactly is so difficult to get into the hygiene program? I know his choice, but if I am good grades? And the fact that they have a dental assistant diploma and I have 3 months in 2 dental clinics? Does that help?

4) How long does it take to complete the requirements for the program? How long before enrolling in the program?

Thank you guys! My friend and I are very tight and can barely pay the money for food and sometimes go days without eating, so that's why they need these loans, because I can not afford it now. Im gonna have to get a part time job during the study. The only concern, but if it wants something, what do I determine the attempt to.
Thank you!

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