Sunday, January 24, 2010

Migraine Food Migraine Headaches, Food Sensitivities?

Migraine headaches, food sensitivities? - migraine food

My 21 y / o girl from chronic migraines. I think they are related to food, due to family history. The problem is that migraine is very difficult to diagnose. Food sensitivity in May last couple of days, recovery, etc. It was by many kinds of documents: a neurologist, Rhuemotologist, allergists, general view. I hoped that the allergist can help us, but said that the standard test for allergies, no food tested intradermally (family members in this way, dr. Retired). You candida diets, but you are not sure if I really followed. The milk was temporarily removed from your diet. She has headaches, acne, irritability due to headaches, skin rashes, certain metals, Raynaud's syndrome, acid reflux. Ideas? Any idea to find a DR what evidence intradermally, also with a degree in medicine


Healing Oneself said...

Hello Prints

You need to flush the colon cleanse toxins in the body. Learn more about this and most health problems in treatment. Do not underestimate the bowel cleansing for a disease or illness. Be sure to drink a liter of water per day and the elimination of waste and toxins.
Here are some ideas to solve the problem.

The causes of headaches
The key to the treatment of headaches and get a long-term relief of symptoms of headache is to identify the underlying causes that trigger the headache. Health professionals holistic recognition that most chronic headaches are often the result of systemic imbalances in the body, not just in my head, and the possible causes of headaches can be varied, ranging from food and / or environmental allergies, constipation, stomach bowel problems and hormonal problems, infections, musculoskeletal problems, malnutrition, stress and trauma

Quick Action Plan for headaches

1. Since May, food allergies play a ro --him more than 90 percent of certain types of headaches such as migraine, it is important to test for the detection of food allergies and sensitivities, and avoid all foods that respond to allergic or sensitive.

2. Focusing on a diet of fresh foods and biological, with emphasis on free vegetables, especially green vegetables, salads, organic chicken, free in nature, cold water fish are caught, no gluten, rich in complex carbohydrate foods such as red potatoes, pumpkins and sweet potatoes.

3. A useful resource for the regime of headache is "potassium broth" which can be performed by a combination, washed but unpeeled carrots and potatoes with a variety of vegetables rich in potassium in a pot with water. Bring water to a boil, then boil for ten to 15 minutes, then strain and drink the broth all day.

4. To prevent and stop the headaches, supplementation with vitamin C, vitamin B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium, with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), the oil of evening primrose and the amino acid DL-phenylalanine.

5. Some herbs can also help prevent and reduce symptoms of headache. These include bay leaves, cayenne pepper, chamomile, coriander, garlic, ginkgo biloba, ginger, skullcap, turmeric, valerian root, wild yam and willow bark.

6. Headaches are often caused by chronic muscle tension and / or muscle spasms of the body, can be very useful to minimize the risk of headaches, especially in the Alexander technique, Bowen Therapy, Feldenkrais, massage, polarity therapy, Rolfing Structural Integration .

7. Relieve hot baths, saunas and steam baths can cause headaches, stimulates the blood circulation and relieve tension.

8. Learn, with the daily stress by practicing relaxation exercises also reduce significantly the incidence of headache. One of the easiest ways to relax is just close your eyes when you are sitting comfortably on a chair, breathing slowly and deeply into the abdomen. To do this, for five minutes at a time and repeat the whole day.

9. At the first sign of migraine symptoms, add two tablets of AlkaGold-Seltzer in a glass of water and drink immediately. This simple technique can often be the symptoms of migraine very quickly.

10. For the benefit of long-term health, more about colon cleansing to get rid of toxins in the blood.

The best of health for you

soxrcat said...

I suffered from chronic migraines.
That's what I did:
He saw a neurologist, had a brain scan, and other causes. (Eliminate other causes.) He has a drug you take every day, prescribed to prevent migraine.
If I feel a headache coming on (weak stomach, the aura, and that the "feeling") to stop eating salted foods, bananas, canned and processed foods.
Drink lots of water, but not enough to sleep well. Stay calm and peaceful.

tanked said...

I suffer from migraines since the fifth grade. I have some items that the cause and the way that a sure way to stop the headache in the bud. E-mail and I'll fill

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